First Hardcopy - Window With these settings you determine the behaviour if you click on the "Close" button.
Question With clicking on the "Close" button the question is asked, if the program is supposed to finish or if the window is supposed to minimize.
Exit program With clicking on the "Close" button the program is finished.
Minimize (System Tray) With clicking on the "Close" button the window is minimized and „displaced“ to the System Tray respectively.
Further Hardcopy - windows If further Hardcopy-windows are opened, with these settings you determine the behaviour then, if you click on the "Close" button of these windows.
Exit program With clicking on the "Close" button the program is finished.
Minimize With clicking on the "Close" button the window is minimized.

Letzte Änderung / Last update: 08.05.2024 09:30:17